Joseph Pelletier

Joseph Pelletier is 40 years old and comes from a family of athletes. His mother is a former competitive body builder and his father is a former professional boxer. One could say training is in his blood. He began boxing at the age of 10. He now studies Boxing, Superfoot kickboxing, Savate, Muay Thai and weight lifting.

He has his Group Fitness certification through American Counsil on Exercise and he teaches Boxing, beginner kickboxing conditioning, TRX, Blitz 45 and all things fitness. He has always had a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals.

From burning calories and building muscle to improving your hand speed, foot work, reaction time, endurance, agility and your smile he can help you reach your goal. He says an exercise plan or learning a martial art is the best way to decompress from a bad day at the office or just having a bad week. Turn that negative into a positive. Come work out with coach Joe and be the best version of yourself.